Alasdair: Alanis, if you won't go to the network party with me, I'll just have to kill myself, that's all.
Alanis: Oh Alasdair, how touching. I really want to help you... all right.
Alasdair: You'll come?
Alanis: No, I'll go.
Alasdair: Great!
Alanis: I'll go see if I can find my father's gun.
Alanis: Oh Alasdair, how touching. I really want to help you... all right.
Alasdair: You'll come?
Alanis: No, I'll go.
Alasdair: Great!
Alanis: I'll go see if I can find my father's gun.
Alasdair : Alanis, if you won't go to the network party with me, I'll just have to kill myself, that's all.
Alanis : Oh Alasdair, how touching. I really want to help you... all right.
Alasdair : You'll come?
Alanis : No, I'll go.
Alasdair : Great!
Alanis : I'll go see if I can find my father's gun.