X-Men: Evolution quotes

180 total quotes

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Evan: Woah,... I don't recomend that.

Farmer: What's a mutant?
(during the news channel coverage on the public's reaction toward mutants.)

Forge: Man. You do have that rep.

Gambit's foster father:(after Storm winds some crooks away) That chick can control the weather!
Rogue:Meet my family.

Gambit: "Look, it ain't about you two pitbulls! Let's go find Rogue."

Gambit: I'm not afraid. Go ahead: absorb my thoughts. See for yourself that I mean you no harm.
Rogue: Like I want you inside my head.

Gambit: Rogue...
Rogue: Don't. You just did the wrong thing for the right reasons.
Gambit: So, what now?
Rogue: I'm going back with the X-Men. I don't care what you do.
Gambit: Sure, you don't.

Gambit: You'll be fine, cherie. You've got people looking out for you.

Hank McCoy: For... in that sleep of... death... what dreams may come when- aaagghh!- we have shuffled off this mortal- coil... AAaagh-MUST give us pause! Hnn-THERE'S... the respect that makes calamity... of SO LONG LIFE!! GAAAGH!!! [tears the sink off the wall in reflex]

Jamie: Come on, Kitty, just wear it for a while.
Kitty: Jamie, I said no.
(Jamie makes a sad face)

Jean Grey: Duncan, don't do this.
Duncan: Save it, Jean. My days of listening to you are over.
Jean Grey: And my days of putting up with you are over!

Jean: Or not.

Jean: Which one of your guys has been putting on weight? I can hardly hold you!
Cyclops: It's Nightcrawler. Burgers seven days a week will do that to a fella.
Nightcrawler: Ah, the breakfast of mutants.

Jean: Yeah, at least he gave us a choice. Survival training here or with Wolverine.
Rogue: Some choice.

Jean: Yeah, well, Scott's cool. He'll handle it like a group leader should.
(Scott blows Lance out of his boat with his powers.)