[Talking about releasing Ben Machado from custody]
Jane: If he's here, how is the killer gonna get to him?
Lisbon: He could be the killer. Even if he's not, we don't want the killer to get him.
Jane: Yes, we do. Machado is our bait. He's our tethered goat.
Lisbon: And too bad if the bait gets killed?
Jane: Well, yes. That's why you use goats and not babies or virgins for that matter.
Lisbon: Machado's not a goat.
Jane: You're right, he's not actually a goat. He's goatish. He deserves to suffer.
Lisbon: Nobody deserves murder.
Jane: Machado helped burn Dave Martin alive out of greed.
Lisbon: Jane, we're officers of the law.
Jane: You are. I don't care about the law. I care about justice, and justice says Machado deserves to suffer.
Lisbon: That's not justice, it's vengeance.
Jane: What's the difference?

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