Angela: [voiceover] Grown-ups like to tell you where they were when President Kennedy was shot, which they all know to the exact second. Which makes me almost jealous -- like I should have something important enough to know where I was when it happened. But I don't, yet. And the fact that it was a better time then, and people knew what they were supposed to do and how to make the world nobody knows anything. We know who's popular, or that Social Studies is boring, or that Brian always has stomach trouble -- but nobody knows anything important. Instead of changing the world, people sit in class and write notes about other people.
Angela : [voiceover] Grown-ups like to tell you where they were when President Kennedy was shot, which they all know to the exact second. Which makes me almost jealous -- like I should have something important enough to know where I was when it happened. But I don't, yet. And the fact that it was a better time then, and people knew what they were supposed to do and how to make the world nobody knows anything. We know who's popular, or that Social Studies is boring, or that Brian always has stomach trouble -- but nobody knows anything important. Instead of changing the world, people sit in class and write notes about other people.