[Agent Grooms kicks Stottlemeyer out of the interrogation room]
Captain Stottlemeyer: I just got kicked out of my own interrogation room.
Lt. Randall Disher: You want some coffee, sir?
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, Randy. What I want is for that A.T.F. CREEP to eat crow!
Adrian Monk: Well, we know who did it, and we know why. We just don't know how.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, again, he's in a coma.
Adrian Monk: He's the guy.
Captain Stottlemeyer: In twenty seconds, Agent Grooms is gonna come walking through that door, and he's gonna ask me what I think. Give me something else, for the love of God.
Lt. Randall Disher: Okay, wait. I have an idea. Maybe he had an accomplice.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yes, somebody else mailed the damn thing. Why not?
Sharona Fleming: I already had that idea. Tell him.
Adrian Monk: There was no accomplice. Why would Brian Babbage hire one? He didn't know he was gonna be in a coma.
Sharona Fleming: It's not exactly something you can plan.
Adrian Monk: All right. Anyway, why would an accomplice bother to go through with it? There was no reason to. The guy who hired him was in a coma.
Captain Stottlemeyer: All right, so... Brian built the bomb, and then Brian mailed the bomb, by himself.
Adrian Monk: That's right.
Captain Stottlemeyer: While he was in a coma.
Adrian Monk: [admiringly] You gotta admit -- it's a pretty good alibi. It's rock solid!
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, I have known 15,000 criminals in my lifetime. Here's what they all have in common: THEY'RE CONSCIOUS!
Adrian Monk: Nonetheless.
Stottlemeyer: Is your shrink coming back soon?
[Agent Grooms comes out of the interrogation room, having finished questioning Ricky Babbage]
Agent Grooms: Captain. Sorry about in there, I, uh, work better one on one.
Captain Stottlemeyer: All right. So, how's it look?
Agent Grooms: He's bending not breaking. I'll get him. About to write up my case report, uh, I'm gonna list him as my primary. I'll need you to sign off on that. Right? Be easier to get an indictment if we're all on the same page.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I'm thinking�� [glances at Monk] Maybe it's the other brother.
Agent Grooms: Well, there's only one other brother, and... he's in a coma.
Captain Stottlemeyer: That's the one. I think, uh, I think we should look into him.
[Stottlemeyer takes another glance at Monk, who is showing support]
Agent Grooms: He's a vegetable, Captain.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I know.
Agent Grooms: Don't you think that eliminates him as a suspect? I mean, I'm just��curious. How do you think he did it?
Captain Stottlemeyer: We're still working on that.
Agent Grooms: Yeah. Well, good luck with that, Captain. Uh, keep me informed.

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