[Monk inspects the propmaster's toolbox]
O'Dell: Excuse me. What are you doing?
Adrian Monk: Uh, I was just��nothing.
O'Dell: Hey, don't fiddle with the props. I've got to know where these are in the dark, by touch, at a moment's notice. I've been juggling props for forty-four years. Ask me about the first prop I ever bought.
Adrian Monk: What was the��
O'Dell: The sword Richard Burton used in Camelot. I had to go to Scotland to get it.
Adrian Monk: Really? Wow. I'm, uh, I'm Adrian Monk, and this is Sh--she's usually right here. This is a terrible week. I'll bet.
O'Dell: Hey, that wasn't my fault. The cops had me under the lights all night long. I told them��I put the prop knife on the set. We use two knives on this show. A real one, and one like this: [O'Dell pulls out and stabs himself with a prop knife]
Adrian Monk: Hey, whoa! [The knife retracts; O'Dell laughs]
O'Dell: Don't wet yourself. The blade retracts into the handle. Gail must have switched the gag knife for the real one before the show.
Adrian Monk: May I? [He holds the prop knife up]
O'Dell: See? It doesn't feel like a real knife at all, does it?
Adrian Monk: No.
O'Dell: She had to know she was holding a real knife. What happened onstage Sunday night, that was no accident. That was a woman scorned. �Hell hath no fury,�� right?
Adrian Monk: And you're sure you put a fake knife on the stage?
O'Dell: I swear. I put it there myself, half an hour before curtain.
Adrian Monk: And there was nobody else here?
O'Dell: Nope. Except Jenna. Jenna Ryan, Gail's understudy. She was checking in. They check in before the show, see if anybody's sick.

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