[Monk takes drastic measures to stop the Chabrols from leaving Newark]
Adrian Monk: Hi! Hello. [clears his throat] Yeah, I'm, uh, worried about a buddy of mine, uh, Captain Claude Pritchard.
Man on phone: Claude Pritchard the pilot, yeah. He's on the tarmac right now. He's been cleared to take off.
Adrian Monk: So, he made it okay. What a relief. Unbelievable.
Man on phone: What do you mean?
Adrian Monk: Uh, oh, he was in pretty bad shape when I left him. We were out partying all last night, and into this morning, and��we're just��party boys.
Man on phone: Party boys?
Adrian Monk: Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty ugly there for--I tried to take his keys away, but you know how old Claude gets when he's totally�� [Sharona mouths the word "hammered"] Hammered.
[Cuts to the inside of the plane, where Stefan Chabrol and "Barbara" toast their wine glasses]
Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen, we have been asked to return to the gate. Please stay in your seats. We will be underway in just a few moments.
Season 2

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