[On the hospital's roof, Monk addresses "Santa," in reality Dr. Lancaster in disguise, as the police cover them from below.]
Adrian Monk: By the way, in case we don't get a chance to talk later, [I] just want you to know -- except for the murders and your trying to kill me, you really were the best doctor I ever had.
Adrian Monk: By the way, in case we don't get a chance to talk later, [I] just want you to know -- except for the murders and your trying to kill me, you really were the best doctor I ever had.
[On the hospital's roof, Monk addresses "Santa," in reality Dr. Lancaster in disguise, as the police cover them from below.]
Adrian Monk : By the way, in case we don't get a chance to talk later, [I] just want you to know -- except for the murders and your trying to kill me, you really were the best doctor I ever had.