Mighty Morphin Power Rangers quotes

284 total quotes

Billy: Give us your lunch money, kid!
Kid: I don't have any!
Billy: You're worthless.

Billy: Zack, be careful! He could turn up the heat and barbecue you anytime he wants!
Zack: Aw, this guy's nothin'.
Saliguana: Nothin'?! I'll show you nothin'! Here's a very hot somethin'!
[he spews fire at them]

Billy: Zordon, how do we battle this evil monster?
Trini: And how are we gonna get Kimberly out of that jar?
Zordon: Use your Zords, and you can defeat him. When the Fan Man is defeated, Kimberly will be free.
Trini: But we need Tommy's help.
Jason: And the power of the Dragonzord.
Zack: He still doesn't look any better.
Jason: Where are the creeps that did this to Tommy?!
Billy: And trapped Kimberly?
Zordon: My sensors have tracked them to the Putty Bowl Restaurant. Observe.
[the 4 Rangers turn to the Viewing Globe and notice Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo having lunch with the Fan Man at said restaurant]
Squatt: The dimension in the jar will disappear any minute, and so will Kimberly.
Baboo: [uncorks the jar] And then, we'll make the other Power Rangers disappear. [peeks in the jar] Gettin' hungry, Kimberly?
Kimberly: Let me go! Please! Let me go.
Alpha: Poor Kimberly.
Jason: We're outta here!

Bones: *Laughes* I am Bones! At your service-takes of his head and holds it like a hat-.

Bones: Here! Let me help you get "a-head"!

Bulk: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us where the registration office is?
Officer: You boys looking to enroll in the Junior Police Patrol?
Bulk: Yeah! You're looking at two of Angel Grove's finest future detectives.
Skull: We wanna wear uniforms so we can impress the girls.
[Bulk's face drops.]
Officer: You better have a better reason than that.
Bulk: That wasn't meant to sound the way it sounded. We wanna protect the girls!
Officer: That's better.

Bulk: Hail Lord Zedd.
Skull: Hail Lord Fred.

Bulk: Look at that guy. 5' 11", heavy accent, gray hair. Anyone interesting fit that description?
Skull [imitating Bill Clinton]: The President of the United States?
Bulk: Besides him.

Bulk: Skull, do me a favor.
Skull: What's that?
Bulk: If I ever come up with another plan that has anything to do with the Power Rangers... staple my mouth shut.

Bulk: Watch where you're going! Who taught you how to drive?!
Skull: No one! How am I doing?
Bulk: You drive like a maniac!
Skull: Thank you.
Bulk: That wasn't a compliment!

Centiback: It's a beautiful day for annihilation!

Centiback: Penalty! Too many Rangers on the field!
[Rocky and Ninjor grasp hands victoriously.]
Rocky: Way to go!
Ninjor: Slam dunk!

Chunky Chicken: Getting that kid to open the box is almost too easy. Rita's gonna be pleased. [Chunky Chicken clucks]

Commander Crayfish: Is that the best you can do?
Tommy: There's plenty more where that came from, you overgrown seafood platter!
Commander Crayfish: You're the ones about to be cooked! Let's blast them, Mutants!
Tommy: What?
Kimberly: They've got a Power Blaster!

Commander Crayfish: Let's finish them off, Mutants! Charge!
Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly: We need UltraZord Power now!
[The UltraZord is formed.]
Commander Crayfish: Huh?! Hold it! Pull back! Pull back!