Sam Tyler: Does that actually help?
[Gene offers Sam the flask, to which Sam takes a swig of the drink]
Sam Tyler: Y'know I might know how to cheer him up.
[Cut to a nurse walking from the hospital beds and another nurse travelling to see the disturbance in one of the hospital beds. She finds Sam sitting in a chair smoking, reading a newspaper and Gene lying on the bed next to Ravi, drinking]
Nurse: Keep it down or I'll call the police.
[Sam and Gene laugh and Ravi wakes up, sighs and goes back to sleep, as Sam and Gene continue laughing]
[Gene offers Sam the flask, to which Sam takes a swig of the drink]
Sam Tyler: Y'know I might know how to cheer him up.
[Cut to a nurse walking from the hospital beds and another nurse travelling to see the disturbance in one of the hospital beds. She finds Sam sitting in a chair smoking, reading a newspaper and Gene lying on the bed next to Ravi, drinking]
Nurse: Keep it down or I'll call the police.
[Sam and Gene laugh and Ravi wakes up, sighs and goes back to sleep, as Sam and Gene continue laughing]
Sam Tyler : Does that actually help?
[Gene offers Sam the flask, to which Sam takes a swig of the drink]
Sam Tyler : Y'know I might know how to cheer him up.
[Cut to a nurse walking from the hospital beds and another nurse travelling to see the disturbance in one of the hospital beds. She finds Sam sitting in a chair smoking, reading a newspaper and Gene lying on the bed next to Ravi, drinking]
Nurse : Keep it down or I'll call the police.
[Sam and Gene laugh and Ravi wakes up, sighs and goes back to sleep, as Sam and Gene continue laughing]