Kim: Hurry Ron, "baby" and "missing" are a bad combination.
Ron: Right with ya, KP.
Kim: Wade, need a DNA scan of the baby's hair... then an ultraviolet sweep of the nursery. Ron?
Ron: Look, I spelled Rufus.
Mother: Kim Possible, thank goodness you're here.
Kim: We came as soon as we heard your baby was... right there in your arms?
Father: It's not our baby that's missing.
Mother: No, it's her... her...
Father: Paccie.
Kim: You called us for a missing pacifier?
Ron: Can't you just buy a new one?
Kim: What up, Wade?
Wade: Something seriously weird.
Kim: Let me guess, a worldwide wave of stolen pacifiers?
Wade: Yeah! How did you know?
Kim: Just a hunch.
Mother: Whoever did this...? I said whoever did this left a note.
Ron: O-oh look, ransom is spelled out “little booties”. O-oh, that's adorable, and- (sneezes) Dusty.
Kim: Not dust, baby powder.
Wade: Scan complete, Kim, and we're looking at rare baby talc, manufactured in the tiny English village of Sheershimsheer. Well, it used to be.
Kim: Not anymore?
Wade: The baby powder factory has been closed for years.
Ron: Uh, sounds dead-endish.
Wade: Maybe not, look at this. Sheershimsheer is also the home of a nanny-training academy. Oh wait, also closed.
Ron: That's double dead-endish.
Rufus: Yeah.
Kim: It's the only lead we got, better check it out.

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