Kim Possible quotes

538 total quotes

Barkin: This is sick and wrong!

Bartender: Welcome to the Cow and Cone. ‘Ave a pint. Would it be a ‘and scoop or soft-served?
Ron: Well, uh I'm a scoop guy myself, pistachio please.
Rufus: Me, too.
Bartender: And ‘ow about you miss, what would you like?
Kim: Information.
Bartender: Certainly, ‘appy to ‘elp.
Kim: It's about the nanny academy.
Bartender: Well it was an academy right now. Lovely old place it was.
Kim: What happened?
Bartender: (sighs) Times miss, same as the rest of Sheershimsheer. First the baby powder plant closed, then people stopped hirin' nannies.
Ron: And that's when they went into the zombie business, right?
Rufus: O-o-oh.
Bartender: What's he on about?
Kim: What about the old woman we spoke to there?
Bartender: You spoke to... uh, Nanny Maim? Oh, ah... you needn't worry a tick about her. She's a lovely woman, that one. Salt of the earth.
Woman: A heart of gold, she has.
Man: They don't make ‘em like her anymore.
Ron: Why would they want to?

Bofox (First lines) Are you me 3:30 tummy tuck?

Bonnie Rockwaller: Our scan has picked up two troublemakers in the back row.
Ron Stoppable: I wonder what they do with troublemakers?
[wrist-cuffs & foot-cuffs trap Kim & Ron]
Ron Stoppable: Hey, hey, hey! High school never had to resort to this sort of thing!
[Obedience collars emerge from the seatbacks]
Kim: Or that sort of thing!
Bonnie Rockwaller: Obedience collars; you'll learn to love them. Not that you'll have a choice.

Bonnie: (crying and wailing)
Ron: Um, I don't speak hysteric.
Bonnie: (continues crying and wailing)
Kim: Brick broke up with you?
Ron: How do you know what she's saying?
Kim: It's a girl thing.

Bonnie: But you're a cheerleader! A senior cheerleader! You know what that means?
Ron: New uniforms?
Bonnie: Well, yes, and they're so cute, [pushes Ron out of the way] but it also means you must date a jock. It's- it's non-optional! It's like a rule!
Kim: Ron's the exception to the rule.
Bonnie: He's the reason for the rule!

Bonnie: Gee, Kim, is that your boyfriend out there running like a sick chicken?
Kim: (proudly) Yeah, that's my guy.

Bonnie: Hold up, Mr. Bad Accent Guy. Why are you telling us all this? Why don't you just get on with it?
Kim: That's how these things go.

Bonnie: I don't do pathetic!
Ron: (under his breath) Well, you could have fooled me...

Bonnie: In case you're wondering, Kim, that's what giving 150% looks like.
Kim: Careful, Bonnie, I hear when you reach 160, you spontaneously combust!

Bonnie: Kim, I think it is so great what you did.
Kim: Which was?
Bonnie: I mean to risk utter embarrassment and total rejection like that. (shows Kim the paper)
Kim: (reads from the newspaper) "Cheerleader Kim Possible thinks quarterback Brick Flagg is H-O-T, hot." By... (angrily) Ron Stoppable?!
Bonnie: We'll totally be here for you when he dumps you.
(Brick appears)
Brick: So, Kim, you think I'm hot.
Kim: Actually, what I think I said was...
Brick: Cool. What are you doing Friday night?
Kim: Nothing. I mean nothing with you.
Brick: Pick you up at eight?
Kim: I, uh...
Brick: (to some random boy next to him) Hey, she thinks I'm hot.

Bonnie: Stoppable, get back here and save us! Or, more specifically, me!

Bonnie: What's the matter, K? Too rough out there for you?
Kim: Maybe, Bonnie, if you caught me like you were supposed to...
Bonnie: Was I? I thought you liked flying and falling all over the place!
Kim: What exactly is your problem with me?
Bonnie: Oh, it's always about YOU, isn't it, Kim?

Bonnie: You know Kim I have some cover up that'll help conceal those monstrous bags under your eyes.
Kim: Wouldn't have bags under my eyes if it weren't for your ferociously loud snoring.
Bonnie: [Gasps] Me? Snore? Must have been the crickets.
Kim: Only if you inhaled them.

Bonnie: You know, just because you saved us doesn't mean you're not still, you know, you. But it would really stink if that jerk had turned us into mutants. And you were kinda brave, and all.
Ron: [high-fives Rufus] Who rocks?
Bonnie: [sighs] You do.