Heroes quotes

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Mohinder: A child is born to innocence. A child is drawn towards good. Why then do so many among us go so horribly wrong? What makes some walk the path of darkness while others choose the light? Is it will, is it destiny? Can we ever hope to understand the force that shapes the soul? To fight evil, one must know evil. One must journey back through time and find that fork in the road, where heroes turn one way and villains turn another.

Mohinder: For every being cursed with self awareness, there remains the unanswerable question, "Who am I?" We struggle to find meaningful connections to one another. We are the caring friend, the loving father, the doting mother, the protected child. We fight and we love in the hope that somehow, together, we can understand our significance in the universe. But in the end, no one can share our burden. Each of us alone, must ask the question, "Who am I? What does it mean to be alive? And in the vast infinity of time, how do I matter?"

Mohinder: It is our nature to protect our children. For each generation to pass on their cautionary tales to the next. So it is with the myth of Icarus, the legend of a boy who fashioned wings from feathers and wax, daring to fly into the heavens. His father was fearful and warned Icarus to be careful, begging him not tempt to fate by flying too close to the sun. But in the end, the boy couldn't resist. His waxen wings melted from the sun's rays. And he plunged to his death.

Mohinder: There are nearly seven billion people on this planet. Each one unique. Different. What are the chances of that? And why? Is it simply biology, physiology that determines this diversity? A collections of thoughts, memories, experiences that carve out our own special place? Or is it something more than this? Perhaps there's a master plan that drives the randomness of creation. Something unknowable that dwells in the soul, and presents each one of us with a unique set of challenges that will help us discover who we really are.

Mohinder: What could possibly drive a father to put his children through such grief?
Arthur: Have you ever met their mother?

Nathan: I thought you'd enjoy the extra time with your family.
HRG: There's only so many crossword puzzles I can do.

Nathan: If God didn't give us these powers, then who did?
Tracy: A doctor in Reseda, California.

Nathan: When your grandmother has a dream it's a good idea to pay attention.

Noah: [to Angela] You know me. I've always been comfortable with morally gray.

Noah: How did you think it was going to end?

Noah: That's right, run! I want you to be scared! Just like Claire was!

Noah: They're villains, Claire.

Peter: (to a statue of Jesus Christ) I asked to be extraordinary... and I promised to make the world a better place so when I got my chance I lived up to my end of the bargain. For what? I'm running for my life, a lot of people are running for their lives, they're hurt and they're dying and I can't help them. Do you even care what you put people through? When they kneel here before you and they ask for help do you even listen? And I'm tired of fighting and I'm angry. I'm angry at my father, Nathan, at my mother, at you. We had a deal.. I think its about time you lived up to your end. Please just.. show up.

Peter: I know exactly what I am doing. What other secrets are you hiding from me mother? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS! Or I'll rip open your head and I'll take them out myself.

Peter: I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've ever done!!!
Arthur: Son... until you change that attitude... you're grounded!