Hiro: We are searching for a formula that...
Adam: A formula? I knew it'd come back to bite them in the ass one day. Even I told them to destroy it.
Ando: So you know who would steal it?
Adam: Maybe... If I tell you, what's in it for me?
Hiro: When we have finished our mission, I promise to put you in a most spacious cell.
Ando: With a window!
Hiro: And a vent.
Adam: Forget it.
Hiro: Okay, back you go (Squeezes eyes to bend time)
Adam: Wait! (frustrated) You little Japanese Nazi! Let me think! Let's see, off the top of my head, I'd say your villain is Angela Petrelli.
Hiro: She's the one who asked us to find the formula.
Adam: I see. Well then, I'm fresh out of ideas.
Adam: A formula? I knew it'd come back to bite them in the ass one day. Even I told them to destroy it.
Ando: So you know who would steal it?
Adam: Maybe... If I tell you, what's in it for me?
Hiro: When we have finished our mission, I promise to put you in a most spacious cell.
Ando: With a window!
Hiro: And a vent.
Adam: Forget it.
Hiro: Okay, back you go (Squeezes eyes to bend time)
Adam: Wait! (frustrated) You little Japanese Nazi! Let me think! Let's see, off the top of my head, I'd say your villain is Angela Petrelli.
Hiro: She's the one who asked us to find the formula.
Adam: I see. Well then, I'm fresh out of ideas.
Hiro : We are searching for a formula that...
Adam : A formula? I knew it'd come back to bite them in the ass one day. Even I told them to destroy it.
Ando : So you know who would steal it?
Adam : Maybe... If I tell you, what's in it for me?
Hiro : When we have finished our mission, I promise to put you in a most spacious cell.
Ando : With a window!
Hiro : And a vent.
Adam : Forget it.
Hiro : Okay, back you go ( Squeezes eyes to bend time )
Adam : Wait! ( frustrated ) You little Japanese Nazi! Let me think! Let's see, off the top of my head, I'd say your villain is Angela Petrelli.
Hiro : She's the one who asked us to find the formula.
Adam : I see. Well then, I'm fresh out of ideas.