CSI: NY quotes

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Flack: Well, let's hope that Eli can spin a better story than Sam. 'Cause the one he's telling in there just isn't holding water.
Debbie Fallon: You're so wrong. He isn't capable of murder.
Flack: Anyone's capable of murder, Miss Fallon.

Flack: What are you talking about?
Calvin Moore: What are you talking about?
Danny: We're talking about a quadruple homicide that apparently you committed last night.
Calvin Moore: That I committed?
Danny: Yeah. That's what it sounds like.

Flack: Why'd you do it?
Calvin Moore: Why do you think?
Danny: For the money.
Calvin Moore: You bet your ass money.
Danny: How much money you get?
Calvin Moore: A grand.
Flack: A grand? You did this for a grand?
Calvin Moore: Yeah. It was the easiest money I ever made.
(Flack and Danny look between each other questionably)

Gerald Gordon: Strangest thing. Came out of nowhere.
Stella: The lamppost? The lamppost came out of nowhere?
Gerald Gordon: Right.
Danny: They have a tendency to do that when you're driving up on the sidewalk.

Grace Chandler: I know you think I had something to do with this.
Mac: Most of the people who sit in this chair... they lie. Each time that happens we get a little bit better at knowing who's telling the truth and who's not.
Grace Chandler: And how about me, Detective. Am I a liar?
Mac: I'll let you know.

Hawkes: (after seeing Danny conclude his therapy early) So what was that?
Danny: What?
Hawkes: Danny, you gotta try way harder if you're gonna get up out of this chair.
Danny: Doc, you know what? I got a policy, buddy. I don't take advice unless I ask for it.
Hawkes: I got a policy, too. I'm always up-front with my friends. And with an injury like yours, you should have been up out of that chair weeks ago. You're not pushing yourself.
Danny: Are you kidding me?! I'd like to give you five minutes of the pain I feel every time I take a step.
Hawkes: Danny, I treated hundreds of trauma patients that would trade places with you in a minute.

Hawkes: (bitingly) You may save my life in here, but you killed my sister. And there's no redemption for that. Not in my book, no matter how hard you try.
Reggie: Don't you want to know what happened?
Hawkes: My sister never had it easy. She got mixed up with drugs, met people like you. I can fill in the blanks, all right? Trust me, I see it all the time.
Reggie: You're wrong, man. Maya was a good woman.
Hawkes: (cynically) Yeah. A good drug addict.
Reggie: No, man, she-she beat that. Maya was already clean when I met her. I wasn't, and she made the mistake of trying to help me.
Hawkes': (surprised) She got clean?
Reggie: Yeah. Listen, man... I was high at the time, right? And we got into a fight. You know I-I had no idea what was happening until it was over, man. I swear, I had no idea, and then I lied to the cops. I told them she got killed by some dealer she was trying to buy drugs from. After that, I was out of control. Took two more lives and ended up here. Man, not a day goes by I don't think about what I did.

Hawkes: Castro was due to strike First Federation.
Stella: We believe that he was casing the branch, he saw Nicky and Sam robbing the bank, so he followed them into the alley and robbed them.
Hawkes: The gun I found on top of the trash can belonged to those boys, Flack.
Flack: But you have zero forensic evidence to prove that. And please, one of you tell me where those kids got a gun.
Stella: You got to let go of your feelings for this kid, Flack. Sam Harris was lying to you.
Flack: Sam Harris does not have it in his DNA to lie like that.
Stella: Unless he had a very good reason.

Hawkes: I'm sorry. I didn't tell anyone because I was embarrassed. I'm smart, educated, and I was duped. And it wasn't like John Simmons or even his boss, Martin Stafford. They just trusted in the economy, and it let them down. Me, I got greedy, tried to play with the big boys, and I got stung.
Stella: It wasn't greed, Sheldon. It's called optimism.
(Mac walks over as Stella and Sheldon arrive at the elevators. Mac tosses Sheldon a set of keys.)

Hawkes: Reggie, what is it? What did you want me to know?
Reggie Tifford: ... I'm the man who killed your sister.

Hawkes: The stria on the slug that was lodged in Nicky's backpack matches Castro's gun.
Stella: Well, if Castro shot Nicky, then how did Johnny Cook's DNA end up under his fingernails?

Jake Calaveras: It was all just talk, at first. Then Wilson came up with this idea. What if we made the city work for us? You know? He used the word ransom. I thought he was joking. But they kept talking about it. Doing something, again and again and again, and having the city pay us to stop.
Mac: Why, Jake? To what end?
Jake Calaveras: Dave said because we could. Just... because we could.
Mac: Because you could? Is that what I should tell the family of the bartender who died or all the people who were injured!? Is that what I should tell my detective who's sitting in a wheelchair!?

James Manning: You're wasting your time worrying about me, lady. I'm a lost cause.
Stella: There's no such thing. You just need to get off the street, get sober, and start taking care of yourself.
James Manning: No, this life beat the care out of me a long time ago.

James Roberts: What's happening to me?
Mac: You took LSD.
James Roberts: No. No. No. No. I...
Mac: Listen to me, James. You're experiencing hallucinations, heightened anxiety, intense paranoia.
James Roberts: I wouldn't have done that. I... I... I...
Mac: Your friends took it, too. It was your 21st birthday. You were probably doing a lot of things you hadn't done before.

Joe Ross: I wasn't in no alley and I didn't torch nobody, man.
Danny: Your DNA was on a cigarette butt that ignited the fire.
Joe Ross: I ain't capable of that kind of violence.
Flack: Robbery. Burglary. Assault. You got a resume for that kind of violence.
Danny: This is a step up for you.