Mac: You chose people who were vulnerable and broken. People you knew had nobody to question your motives. What's it like to live without a conscience?
Grace Chandler: It's like being rich. Something you probably know nothing about.
Mac: Putting people like you away for the rest of your life, doing good... that makes me rich. Something you probably know nothing about.
Grace Chandler: It's like being rich. Something you probably know nothing about.
Mac: Putting people like you away for the rest of your life, doing good... that makes me rich. Something you probably know nothing about.
Mac : You chose people who were vulnerable and broken. People you knew had nobody to question your motives. What's it like to live without a conscience?
Grace Chandler : It's like being rich. Something you probably know nothing about.
Mac : Putting people like you away for the rest of your life, doing good... that makes me rich. Something you probably know nothing about.