Stella: I just got off the phone with the Museum of the American Indian in Battery Park. They are gonna take in all of Chief Delaware's collection.
Mac: So the Montiquan Nation lives on.
Stella: It's funny, you know? We ride trains, share sidewalks, row boats with so many different kinds of people in this town from some many different places and sometimes we don't notice a culture until some is gone.
Mac: In order to be a true New Yorker you gotta keep your eyes, heart, and mind open at all times.
Mac: So the Montiquan Nation lives on.
Stella: It's funny, you know? We ride trains, share sidewalks, row boats with so many different kinds of people in this town from some many different places and sometimes we don't notice a culture until some is gone.
Mac: In order to be a true New Yorker you gotta keep your eyes, heart, and mind open at all times.
Stella : I just got off the phone with the Museum of the American Indian in Battery Park. They are gonna take in all of Chief Delaware's collection.
Mac : So the Montiquan Nation lives on.
Stella : It's funny, you know? We ride trains, share sidewalks, row boats with so many different kinds of people in this town from some many different places and sometimes we don't notice a culture until some is gone.
Mac : In order to be a true New Yorker you gotta keep your eyes, heart, and mind open at all times.