Roan: So, last I saw you two, you were a young exciting couple, chasing, flirting. Now the silent treatment. Sexy.
Chuck: If you must know, we are very much in love, happy and soon to be married. Just having a bit of a disagreement right now and the ball and chain isn't helping.
Sarah: Are you calling me a ball and chain?
Chuck: There is a ball and ch... There is an actual ball and chain here. Do you not see this? On the ground attached to my leg? Ball and chain.
Sarah: Yes. What's with all the 'no's lately anyway?
Chuck: I may have been a little obstinate before.
Roan: Okay, let me guess, this is about something bigger. Performance issues?
Chuck: No! I am adequate. More than adequate in that depart... [to Sarah] Right? You can't agree. I... Sarah I don't want to elope. I just don't, not at all, not even the slightest bit. I always wanted a big family wedding and now more than ever so no. My answer to eloping is no.
Sarah: Okay, fine I hear what you're saying. But why do you get to say no? What about what I want?

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