Brennan: Had it occurred to you that God is a lot like the Gravedigger?
Booth: (stammers) What? What?!
Brennan: He lays down the rules, no way to question Him or negotiate, then it's almost as though He doesn't care how it works out. Either you do as He says, make some sacrifices and are delivered, or you don't and you end up in Hell.
Booth: You know what I'd appreciate? If you didn't say things like that, because I really don't want to get struck by lightning.
Brennan: You go to church every Sunday?
Booth: Yes, I do.
Brennan: Can I come with you?
'Booth: No, you can't.
Brennan: Why? It might help me to understand.
Booth: I am not gonna help you disrespect God in His own house, okay? If you wanna do some kind of, you know, anthropological study, turn on the religious channel.

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