[Booth and Brennan are in their hotel room, dressing up as Tony and Roxy]
Brennan: (coming out in a rather chaste black dress) What do you think?
Booth: (sarcastically) I have enough Bibles, thank you, but try next door.
Brennan: You said I could be a school teacher.
Booth: Not the spinster kind who lives with her sister but, you know, the hot one who makes the boys crazy. Here (hands her a dress) put on the one that I picked out, alright?
Brennan: Okay, but don't be so bossy. (She disappears into the bathroom.)
Booth: We're newly-weds I said. Taking Sin City by storm, ready for action.
Brennan: (from the bathroom) But you know, marriage is such an archaic institution.
Booth: (exhales in frustration) Listen Bones, I know what I'm doing. Okay? I've done this before, just stop arguing.
Brennan: I'm not. It's just, you know, I don't need a piece of paper to prove my commitment.
Booth: Fine. We're engaged.
Brennan: Why would I be okay with engagement?
Booth: Whatever Bones, alright? We're a loosely committed couple of hot high rollers with money to burn. Cause that's what's gonna get us in the door.
Brennan: (comes out of the bathroom in a stunning little black dress) Like this?
Booth': (staring and swallowing) Yeah, like that.

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