Lisa Supac: (after advising Dr. Brennan and the rest of the team the Turko will only get 10 years for his involvement in the train crash) It's 10 years or nothing. I can only work with what I'm given, and the forensic work on this was not good enough.
Brennan: What?
Lisa Supac: You were fooled by fake dental records, you baked some spam.
Cam: What did you want us to do?
Lisa Supac: Your jobs.
Booth: Hey!
Cam: No, Ms. Supek, you want us to do your job. My people gave you all the evidence you need to fry Turko with any reasonable jury.
Cam: We gave you everything you needed to arrest Turko.
Lisa Supac: Arrest is not a conviction.
Cam: We definitely gave you enough to reject his plea bargain and indict him in the wrongful death of a Senator.
Lisa Supac: Indictment is not a conviction.
Booth: You accept that plea bargain and the investigation stops.
Brennan: Indict him. Give us time to get you what you need.
Cam: If you accept this plea bargain, you don't deserve to be a Federal Prosecutor.
Lisa Supac: Dr. Saroyan!
Cam: Yeah, it's scary. The whole country'll be watching the trial and you don't want to go in with less than a sure thing. But you put my people on the stand as expert witnesses and that's a sure thing.
Brennan, Hodgins, Angela: Not Zack.
Cam: You can tell the story of what happened using the evidence these people provided, and if you any ability as a prosecutor you'll win the case.
Lisa Supac: Are you finished?
Cam: No, Ms. Supac. In the future when you have problems with my team, you'll register them with me, in private, not by grand standing in a public forum.

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